White house Press Release
Upon hearing the news of a simple Nepali girl Anuja Baniya returning Rs. 9.1 million (approx US$ 126,000) to the owner, President Barrack Obama made an unprecedented felicitation call to Ms. Anuja Baniya who recently turned 21.
The phone call was telecast live over many news channels such as Fox News, CNN and Nepal Doordarshan.
Upon hearing this, hundreds of people are coming out of their house to return things that they have found but not returned. Things returned includes a used panty found in a train station in Tokyo returned by Yoshiko Okinara who tearfully bid farewell to it by handing it to the rightful owner Mariko Miyogi who had accidentally dropped it in the train because the piece of clothing was 2 sizes more than her size and she didn't notice it fall off while she dozed off in the train. She had received it at a secret gift exchange at her work where employees participated in exchanging gifts worth less than $10's amount during the Christmas season. It was her colleague Ms. Yamaguchi who had secretly packed the item because it was given to her by her ex boyfriend as a parting gift.
Anuja Baniya was very happy to hear from president Obama and requested him on the phone to grant visa to her brother who had been denied visa 3 times by the US Embassy in Kathmandu. Amidst cheers and standing ovation Mr. Obama granted the visa right there and then over the phone, after quickly connecting a video call with Skype. He used his executive veto to grant the visa to the otherwise ineligible alien. He had granted her 3 wishes but she chose to excercise only one grant at this time. The content of the other two of her wishes are unknown at this time of writing.
This is an indicident of epic proportions and both Obama and Anuja deserves three chairs hip hop hurray!